This is a Java EE enterprise-level rapid development platform, based on
the classic technology combination (Spring Boot, Spring Security,
MyBatis, Jwt, Vue), built-in modules such as: Department management,
role users, menu and button authorization, data rights, system
parameters, log management, code generation, etc. Configuring scheduled
tasks online; Support for clustering, support for multiple data sources,
support for distributed transactions.
User management: Users are system operators. This function is mainly used to configure system users.
Department management: Configure system organizations (companies, departments, and groups), and display data ermissions in a tree structure.
Post management: Configure the positions of system users.
Menu management: Configure the system menu, operation permission, button permission identification, etc.
Role management: Role menu permission allocation, setting roles according to the organization to divide the ata range permissions.
Dictionary management: Maintain the fixed data frequently used in the system.
Parameter management: Dynamically configure common parameters for the system.
Notice Bulletin: The system publishes and maintains notice information.
Operation logs: Record and query normal system operation logs. Record and query system exception logs.
Login logs: System login logs contain login exceptions.
Online users: Monitors the status of active users in the system.
Scheduled task: Online task scheduling (add, modify, or delete) includes execution result logs.
Code generation: Back-end code generation (java, html, xml, sql) supports CRUD download.
System interface: Automatically generate related api interface documents according to business code.
Service monitoring: Monitors the current system information such as CPU, memory, disk, and stack.
Cache monitoring: Query system cache information and collect command statistics.
Online builder: Drag the form element to generate the corresponding Vue code.
Connection pool monitoring: Monitors the current system database connection pool status and analyzes SQL to ind system performance bottlenecks.